Thursday, July 10, 2008


Whew, I finally made it. This has been a journey of trial and errors. I did learn some new things because I have never done any blogging before or searched some of the sites. I enjoyed the Library Things, Library 2.0 Awards Winners, Wiki, Flickr and Web Fea. There were some sites that was too advanced for me. I'm unsure about participating in another progam.


I Checked out Lean Mean Thirteen. Stephanie Plum is New Jersey bounty hunter. She is reunited with her two timing lawyer ex-husband, Dickie Orr, while doing a favor for the mysterious, sexy Ranger. Dickie disappears from his house leaving behing only bloodstains and bullet holes, Sttephanie,becomes the prime suspect in his alleged murder. Determined to clear her name of Stephanie and her cop boyfriend, Joe Morrelli, uncover dickie's ties to a shady group of men involved in everything from money laundering to drug running. When Dickie's business partners decide Stephaine holds the key to the $40 million they believe Dickie stole from them she's in for a wild ride.


I found podcast to be interesting. Some Libraries have books that reads to you. This is extremely helpful to someone that is visually impaired.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I chose Seasons Change video because there are so many changes in our daily lives. There are changes in our family, jobs, and friends. The world around us in which we live is rapidly changing every day. Therefore we must change in order to keep up with the changes being made each day. A baby is born, it changes from a child, to a teenager and then an adult. As the sun rises a new day begins, yesterday is gone and will never be again. We know nothing stays the same. Nothing lasts forever.

I enjoyed searching You tube. It is a fun site you can find all sorts of videos on this site.

You tube can be of use in the library for videos of the programs in the library.